Mid Sussex MP Sir Nicholas Soames and Arundel & South Downs MP Nick Herbert joined campaigners near Henfield on Saturday (27 April) to unite in their opposition to a Mayfields new town.
They met on a site where Mayfield Market Towns Ltd wants to build more than 10,000 houses on land which sits across both the Horsham and Mid Sussex district areas.
They repeated their strong opposition to the proposals, agreeing that the new town would be unsustainable, with inadequate local infrastructure and in particular no rail access.
Mayfield do not even own or hold options on all of the land required to build the number of houses proposed, yet they are expected to submit outline planning to Horsham District Council early next year for 7,000 houses.
Nick Herbert MP said; “Our local councillors have consistently voiced their strong opposition to the Mayfields new town, an unsustainable proposal which has never had a convincing case or council support.
“I will continue to work with Sir Nicholas, local Councillors and LAMBS (Locals Aginst Mayfields Building Sprawl) to object to these plans and to protect this beautiful area of West Sussex.”
Sir Nicholas Soames MP said; “Mayfield’s persistent attempts to build a new town and undermine our District Council plans have blighted this area and caused enormous and justifiable resentment amongst local people.
“Once again our local representatives have demonstrated that opposition to Mayfield is not going to go away. Nick Herbert and I will continue to give our total and determined backing to the LAMBS campaign until this misplaced proposal is withdrawn.”